The Invention of Lying

The Invention of Lying is a 2009 fantasy romantic comedy film that was written and directed by Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson. This film is the directorial debut of Gervais and Robinson. The film stars Ricky Gervais as the first human with the ability to lie. The supporting cast features Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill, Louis C.K., Rob Lowe and Tina Fey.

Mark Bellison Ricky Gervais is an unsuccessful lecturefilm writer who is assigned to write about the 14th century, a very boring era. One night he goes out on a date with the beautiful, charming and wealthy Anna McDoogles Jennifer Garner. She tells Mark she is not attracted to him, because of his looks and unsuccessful financial situation, but is going out with him to satisfy her extremely prejudiced mother and as a favour to Marks friend Greg Kleinschmidt Louis C.K..The next day Mark is fired from his job because of the lack of interest in his films, and his landlord threatens to evict him for not paying his rent. Depressed, he goes to the bank to close his account. The teller informs him that the computers are down, and asks him how much money he has in his account. Mark is about to tell her when a strange reaction occurs in his brain, as he remembers how much money his landlord said he owed 800. He has an epiphany that enables him to tell the worlds first lie, to the effect that he has 800 in his account. The computer comes back online and shows his balance is 300. The teller gives him the full 800 noting that the computer has made a mistake. ........

Source: Wikipedia