The Iron Crown

The Iron Crown Italian La corona di ferro is a 1941 Italian adventure written and directed by Alessandro Blasetti, starring Massimo Girotti and Gino Cervi. The narrative revolves a sacred iron crown and a king who is prophesised to lose his kingdom to his grandson. It blends motifs from several European myths, legends and modern works of popular fiction. The film won a Coppa Mussolini award, which is the ancestor to the Golden Lion.

A wise woman prophesies to the king that his wife will bear a daughter and Licinios widow Elisa Cegani a son, that the two will fall in love, and the son take the kingdom from Sedemondo. When he gets home, he is told that his wife has given birth to a boy the daughter having been switched with the child of Licinio and so believes the prophesy to be invalid. He raises both the boy Arminio and girl Elsa. After some strife between the Sedemondo and Arminio, the king orders Arminio to be taken to the gorge and slain.Twenty years later, with Arminio Massimo Girotti having grown up in the forest, Sedemondo arranges a tournament to determine who will marry Elsa Elisa Cegani. Tundra Luisa Ferida leads the resistance among the people against the king. The tournament, with various characters attending in disguise, sets up whether the prophesy will come to pass. ........

Source: Wikipedia