The Killer Shrews

The Killer Shrews is a 1959 science fiction film directed by Ray Kellogg. It was filmed outside of Dallas, Texas backtoback with The Giant Gila Monster by producers Ken Curtis and Gordon McLendon. The film has been released on DVD and was featured in the fourth season of Mystery Science Theater 3000, as well as the first season of the similar show This Movie Sucks. The film is now in public domain.

The situation in the compound is less than safe. During evening cocktails, Thorne becomes aware of a lifethreatening situation. Marlowe Cragis performs wellmeaning research on serums and uses shrews as test animals. The doctors purpose is to make humans halfsize in order to reduce world hunger smaller humans will eat less food on a planet with a limited food supply. Unfortunately, the doctors experiments created mutant giant shrews that escaped and are reproducing outside the compound, growing larger by the day. The scientist and his staff barricade themselves inside their compound each evening.Thorne and Ann begin to fall in love, causing jealousy in Jerry. Meanwhile, outside the compound, the giant shrews, which have a poisonous bite, are running out of smaller animals to eat. The shrews dogs with gluedon fur and screen shots of rapidly shaking, stuffed heads with large fangs attack and kill Griswold. The giant shrews close in on the compound and break in through the basement. Thorne and Mario investigate the basement. Mario is bitten by the shrew, but Thorne shoots and kills it. The others arrive in the basement, but Mario dies. Radford discovers a highly toxic venom in the shrew saliva, the result of poison bait he had placed in an attempt to kill the shrews. Another shrew breaks in and kills Radford. From outside the compound, the shrews begin to chew through the compound walls on the main floor. The shrews force the group save for Jerry, who wants to stay out of the compound to escape to Thornes boat. The group makes impromptu armor out of oil drums, lashes the armor together, and duckwalks together to the beach. Jerry changes his mind about individualism, and chases after the others. The killer shrews chase and kill Jerry although he is shown to have survived in the 2012 sequel. The socially cooperative group Thorne, Ann, and Marlowe manage a successful armored walk to the shore and swim to the boat. ........

Source: Wikipedia