The Lady Is a Square

The Lady Is a Square is a 1959 British comedy musical film directed by Herbert Wilcox and featuring Anna Neagle, Frankie Vaughan and Janette Scott. Its plot follows an aspiring singer who goes to work as a butler in the house of a classical music patron. It was Neagles final film appearance and the last film directed by Wilcox although he produced several further films before his bankruptcy in 1964.

Johnny Burns, an aspiring singer is hanging around a music shop he frequents when he spot Mrs Barings daughter, Joanna. Enraptured he pretends to be a pianotuner and goes round to her house to help prepare the piano for a party held in Spolenksis honour. Later, when Mrs Baring is short of a butler he offers his services and is so successful at his duties that he is taken on in a more permanent basis. He slowly begins to bond and court Joanna while doing his best to conceal his love of popular, modern music from Mrs Baring who is resolutely opposed to it and has forbidden her daughter to listen to it. Her financial problems continue to mount up and her phone is cut due to unpaid bills.Burns friend and agent, Freddy, meanwhile has secured him an audition with Greenslade, a major popular record label, who are impressed with his performance. Convinced he is going to be a major star, they make plans to sign him up on a longterm contract. Burns first demand of Greenslade is for money to pay for Mrs Barings telephone to be restored. Mrs Baring is relieved by this gesture, but believes the money came from one of her other friends rather than Burns. ........

Source: Wikipedia