The Outing is a 1987 American horror film that was directed by Tom Daley, based on a script by Warren Chaney. The film was originally released in the United Kingdom on April 28, 1987, as The Lamp and was retitled The Outing for its release in the United States on Septemberof the same year. The film stars Andra St. Ivanyi and follows a group of teenagers who decide to spend the night in a museum, but end up getting stalked by an evil genie.
In 1893, a young woman wears a magical bracelet and the dark shadow of an evil jinni genie looms over a bloody scene, foreshadowing the violence to come.In modern day, three criminals burglarize a house owned by the now elderly woman with the magical bracelet. The criminals kill her with an axe to her face and find the lamp. A genie is released from inside and possesses the old ladys corpse to kill one of the burglars by head butting him with the doubleheaded axe still lodged in the corpses skull. The genie finds and murders the other two intruders and the female intruders breasts are exposed. ........
Source: Wikipedia