The Legend of the North Wind is a 1992 Spanish animated fantasy film directed by Juan Bautista Berasategi originally credited to Maite Ruiz de Austri and Carlos Varela. It was based upon a story by Gregorio Muro and Josean Muoz, and produced by Episa and Euskal Pictures International.
The Spanish release was followed by a 13episode TV series, and a 1994 sequel called El regreso del Viento del Norte, or The Return of the North Wind.To get his hands on a valuable pod of whales, a 17thcentury European daredevil in Newfoundland foolishly attempts to release the powers of the mythical North Wind, who was trapped in a pot thanks to a shared effort by Basque sailors and Mikmaq Indians. Now, the descendant of those Indian, Watuna, and the descendants of those Basque sailors, Ane and Peiot, must defeat the evil Athanasius before he achieve his purpose. ........
Source: Wikipedia