The Little Shop of Horrors

The Little Shop of Horrors is a 1960 American black comedy horror film directed by Roger Corman. Written by Charles B. Griffith, the film is a farce about an inadequate florists assistant who cultivates a plant that feeds on human flesh and blood. The films concept is thought to be based on a 1932 story called Green Thoughts, by John Collier, about a maneating plant. However, Dennis McDougal in Jack Nicholsons biography suggests that Charles B. Griffith may have been influenced by Arthur C. Clarkes scifi short story, The Reluctant Orchid. The film stars Jonathan Haze, Jackie Joseph, Mel Welles and Dick Miller, all of whom had worked for Corman on previous films. Produced under the title The Passionate People Eater, the film employs an original style of humor, combining black comedy with farce and incorporating Jewish humor and elements of spoof. The Little Shop of Horrors was shot on a budget of 30,000 in two days utilizing sets that had been left standing from A Bucket of Blood.

On Los Angeless skid row, pennypinching Gravis Mushnick Mel Welles owns a florist shop which is staffed by him and his two employees, the sweet but simple Audrey Fulquard Jackie Joseph and clumsy Seymour Krelboyne Jonathan Haze. Although the rundown shop gets little business, there are some repeat customers for instance, Mrs. Siddie Shiva Leola Wendorff shops almost daily for flower arrangements for her many relatives funerals. Another regular customer is Burson Fouch Dick Miller, who eats the plants he buys for lunch. When Seymour fouls up the arrangement of Dr. Farb John Shaner, a sadistic dentist, Mushnick fires him. Hoping Mushnick will change his mind, Seymour tells him about a special plant that he crossbred from a butterwort and a Venus flytrap. Bashfully, Seymour admits that he named the plant Audrey Jr., a revelation that delights the real Audrey.From the apartment he shares with his hypochondriac mother, Winifred Myrtle Vail, Seymour fetches his oddlooking, potted plant, but Mushnick is unimpressed by its sickly, drooping look. However, when Fouch suggests that Audrey Jr.s uniqueness might attract people from all over the world to see it, Mushnick gives Seymour one week to revive it. Seymour has already discovered that the usual kinds of plant food do not nourish his strange hybrid and that every night at sunset the plants leaves open up. When Seymour accidentally pricks his finger on another thorny plant, Audrey Jr. opens wider, eventually causing Seymour to discover that the plant craves blood. After that, each night Seymour nurses his creation with blood from his fingers. Although he feels increasingly listless, Audrey Jr. begins to grow and the shops revenues increase due to the curious customers who are lured in to see the plant. ........

Source: Wikipedia