The Loyal Rebel is a 1915 Australian silent film directed by Alfred Rolfe set against the background of the Eureka Rebellion.
In 1854, a young farmer, Stanley Gifford, leaves his girlfriend Violet in England and goes to seek his fortune in the goldfields. Stanleys letters to Violet are intercepted by the villainous Pellew Owen. Violets father, Major Howard, is blackmailed by Pellew Owen into giving him Violets hand in marriage after Howard shoots a man in a quarrel over cards.Pellew tires of Violent and abandons her, so she goes with her father to Ballarat to find Stanley. Her father dies of exhaustion and Violet is kidnapped by Pellew after interrupting a bank robbery. She is recused by police and Pellew is arrested, but set free after he agrees to be a police spy. ........
Source: Wikipedia