The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart

The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart is a 1970 American film made by MetroGoldwynMayer MGM about a confused college students experiences with sex, relationships, and drugs in late 1960s New York City. Produced by Martin Poll and directed by Leonard J. Horn, the film was based on the autobiographical novel of the same name by Robert Westbrook, who was also an associate producer of the film. It was the film debut of Don Johnson.

Back on campus, Stanley finally meets and dates the classmate who is the object of his fantasies, Cathy Dianne Hull. Cathy and Stanley fall in love, but she is a virgin and initially refuses his sexual advances, leaving him frustrated. Finally she agrees to sleep with him and the two settle into happy domestic life for a time, but Stanley soon becomes bored with the relationship and fantasizes about Andrea. When Cathy expresses concern about the promiscuous behavior of her chubby roommate Fran Holly Near, Stanley invites Fran over under the pretext of filming her for an underground movie called Masturbation. He gets Fran drunk and films her in a variety of sexual positions, culminating with her masturbating in a bathtub, after which Stanley and Fran have sex. He initially feels guilty, but Fran comes to his apartment when Cathy is away and entices him into continuing the affair behind Cathys back.Stanley, who by now has dropped out of college, accompanies Danny who relates that he himself used to go to Juilliard to a psychedelic rock concert happening in a loft performance space. Soon after, Danny, Barbara and Andrea drop by Stanleys apartment while he is home with Cathy. They all smoke pot together and Stanley finally gets to talk with Andrea, while Cathy is attracted to Danny. Later, Cathy breaks up with Stanley, saying that they havent loved each other for a long time and she wants to see Danny instead. Stanley gets mad and throws her out of his apartment, but afterwards misses her and unsuccessfully looks for her. He confronts Danny, who admits that he doesnt really care about Cathy, but wont tell her to stop coming around. ........

Source: Wikipedia