The Man in the Back Seat

The Man in the Back Seat is a 1961 British Bmovie crime film, directed by Vernon Sewell and starring Derren Nesbitt and Keith Faulkner. The film was based on an Edgar Wallace story, and was tightly shot, with only four namecredited actors one of whom remains silent through most of the film and much of the action taking place in a cramped flat and the claustrophobic confines of a car at night.

They manage to free the case after administering another severe beating to Joe, and decide to get rid of him by dousing him in alcohol and dumping him near the local hospital, where they assume a passerby will find him and think he has suffered a drunken fall. As they are about to leave the scene, they realize that they have left behind incriminating fingerprints, so have no option but to retrieve the unconscious Joe again. Not knowing what else to do, they go back to Jeans and contact a former male nurse, who after looking at Joe says he will soon be dead. As a last resort, Tony and Frank decide to drive through the night to Birmingham and leave the body there, where there will be nothing to connect the crime to them.They again load Joe into the back seat and set off on the journey in the rainswept night, with Frank becoming increasingly paranoid that every vehicle behind them on the road is on their trail. They are barely out of London when Frank looks in the driving mirror, and to his terror sees the ghostly wideopen eyes of the no longer dead Joe staring reproachfully at him from the back seat. In total panic, Frank drives the car off the road and down an embankment. The crash kills Tony instantly but Frank, seriously injured but alive, manages to crawl clear of the wreckage. The police and ambulance services arrive and confirm Tonys death. The remorsestricken Frank pleads with them to see if they can help the other passenger, but the car explodes before anything more can be done. ........

Source: Wikipedia