The Naked Brothers Band is an American musical comedy film written and directed by Polly Draper which stars her sons, Nat Wolff and Alex Wolff, who portray members of a fictional rock group. It tells of the boys struggles with their fame and an internal dispute that causes the band to split before reuniting in the end. The film was emboldened by Nats genuine band, The Silver Boulders, which he created in preschool with his friends who all portray themselves alongside Nats faux female interest, the siblings real life cousin as the babysitter, and their real life father as their inept accordionplaying dad.
The film begins with an introduction to the documentary from the boys. Nat and Alex Wolff, aged nine and six respectively, are members of the fictional band The Silver Boulders which also consists of Thomas, David, Josh, and their manager Cooper. The band found success after a music executive John B. Williams signed them to his label, Whos the Man Records. The band performs their new song Motormouth at a concert in the Hammerstein Ballroom. After the show, the band members describe how their group started and a clip from their music video Crazy Car is shown.The bandmates get along well until Thomas composes the song Boys Rule, Girls Drool, which Nat dislikes. Nat writes a song called Rosalina that is about Joshs elder halfsister. Thomas and Josh ridicule Nat because the song shows his feelings for her. Moreover, Josh composes another song that Nat also dislikes, titled Im the God of Rock and Roll, set to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. The band has a food fight in a restaurant, prompting Thomas, David, and Josh to leave and form a new group, The Gold Boulders, managed by the scornful Mort Needleman Jonathan Pillot. ........
Source: Wikipedia