The Physician German Der Medicus is a 2013 German adventure film based on the novel of the same name by Noah Gordon. The movie focuses on an orphan from 11thcentury English town whose mother died of a mysterious illness. The boy vows to study medicine and decides to travel to Persia.
Robert Cole has an extraordinary gift, where he can sense when someone left untreated has a terminal illness. He notices this for the first time when he feels as a little boy that his sick mother will die of appendicitis, a disease he was unaware of. The young orphan joins an itinerant barbersurgeon who calls himself Barber. Barber teaches him the basics of medieval medicine, with services such as cupping therapy, bloodletting, and dental extraction. Even as an apprentice Rob recognizes the limitations of these simple practices. When Barber suffers from a cataract, Rob consults a real Medicus for him. This Jewish doctor heals Barber completely. He learns a little bit of Jewish culture. He speaks with two children, Jesse and Benjamin. There, Rob sees for the first time a world map, and learns of the famous Ibn Sina, who teaches medicine in distant Persia. So he decides to train there to become a physician. During the Islamic Golden Age, the medicine in the medieval Islamic world evolved from a symbiosis of Gondishapur Iranian medicine and Nestorian Byzantine medicine in Baghdads House of Wisdom is far more advanced than in Europe. The doctor, scientist and philosopher Ibn Sina teaches in Isfahan, the most important school for aspiring practitioners in the world at that time.Rob discovers that Christians are forbidden in Muslim lands while Jews are tolerated. Upon arriving in Egypt, Rob, even though he is a baptized Christian, performs a circumcision on himself and calls himself Jesse Ben Benjamin, pretending to be a Jew. In a caravan he comes to know Rebecca who reads to him from a book about Aladdin and Sinbad the Sailor. He experiences a desert storm and almost dies. He suffers a concussion when he asks for admission to the school of Ibn Sina, by the Guardian, so that he is taken as a patient. ........
Source: Wikipedia