The Ramen Girl

The Ramen Girl is a 2008 AmericanJapanese comedydrama film starring Brittany Murphy about a girl who goes to Japan and decides to learn how to cook ramen. Murphy is also listed in the production credits as one of the producers.

The next day she comes back and sits down at the counter. He gives her another bowl of ramen and she eats. As she eats, she breaks into uncontrollable giggles, as does another patron. The following day she returns, but is told they are out of ramen. Seeing the wifes swollen ankles, she insists on helping instead. After the night is through, she is passed out asleep in the back. They shoo her out, but as she is walking away she realizes she wants to cook ramen. Rushing back into the store, she begs him to teach her how to cook ramen. He argues, but finally gives in and tells her to come the next day at 5. She shows up late, in high heels and a dress, and is put to work scrubbing the toilet and cleaning pots and pans. In the following weeks Maezumi only gives her cleaning work in the hopes that she quits, but she comes back. After she is given work as a waitress, she wins the hearts of all who come in, including two older women who are regular customers, and a 20ish male laborer regular who develops a crush on her.On a rare night off, she heads to a night club with a British man named Charlie and an American woman named Gretchen whom she met earlier. The three meet Toshi Iwamoto Sohee Park and his friends. Abby and Toshi fall in love. But soon, Toshi has to go to Shanghai, China for three years. He asks Abby to come with him, but she declines, saying she cant. They share their last kiss. ........

Source: Wikipedia