The Record of a Tenement Gentleman

The Record of a Tenement Gentleman , Nagaya shinshiroku? is a Japanese film written and directed by Yasujir Ozu in 1947. The film was Ozus first after World War II.

Tashiro returns one evening to the house he shares with Tamekichi bringing with him a boy of about seven named Khei Hhi Aoki. Kheis home is in Chigasaki, about forty miles away, but he has become separated from his father while in Tokyo and has followed Tashiro home from Kudan, where Tashiro has been telling fortunes in the grounds of the Yasukuni Shrine. Tashiro wants to give Khei a bed for the night, but Tamekichi refuses, saying he hates brats, and tells Tashiro to take the boy across the street to Otane and get her to put him up. Otane reluctantly does so.During the night, Khei wets the futon he is sleeping on. Otane tells Tamekichi that she has done her bit and he should now take responsibility for the boy. Tamekichi refuses, and suggests that their neighbours the Kawayoshis might take him in. Kawayoshi Takeshi Sakamoto, a dyer who has children of his own, says he cant, and the three of them draw lots to decide who will take the boy back to Chigasaki. Tamekichi rigs the draw so that Otane loses. ........

Source: Wikipedia