The Resurrected also known as The Ancestor and Shatterbrain is a 1991 American horror film directed by Dan OBannon, and starring John Terry, Jane Sibbett, Chris Sarandon and Robert Romanus. It is an adaptation of the H. P. Lovecraft novella The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. Originally intended for a theatrical release, the film had a brief theatrical run before going direct to video in 1992.
Director OBannon and screenwriter Brent V. Friedman had both developed the Lovecraft property over the years, independent of each other Friedmans version of the script was titled Shatterbrain. While Friedman receives sole writing credit, OBannon did incorporate some of his own ideas into the project. OBannons original title for the film was The Ancestor, which was later changed to The Resurrected after being recut and altered by the studio for theatrical release.In their book Lurker in the Lobby A Guide to the Cinema of H. P. Lovecraft, Andrew Migliore and John Strysik write The Resurrected is the best serious Lovecraftian screen adaptation to date, with a solid cast, decent script, inventive direction, and excellent special effects that do justice to one of Lovecrafts darker tales. ........
Source: Wikipedia