The Sex Thief

The Sex Thief is a 1973 British sex film starring David Warbeck, Diane Keen and Christopher Biggins. It was an early film credit for director Martin Campbell.

Grant Henry David Warbeck a writer of trashy paperbacks like The Dirty and the Dying, moonlights as a masked jewel thief who is usually caught in the act but is able to get away with his crimes by luring his female victims to bed. After these women lie to the police about the thiefs identity who could disguise himself as a clubfooted coloured midget one week and a 66 Russian with a harelip the next and seem to want to get burgled again, the Inspector in charge of the case Terence Edmond and a KungFu trained insurance investigator Diane Keen decide to lay a trap for the thief.The Sex Thief was heavily cut by the British censor on its original release cuts were made to the scene where the naked girl dances in front of Grant, and the intercutting between a further sex scene and a wrestling match. The films speededup sex scene was considerably reduced as was the scene where a handcuffed Grant is seduced by Judy. The current US and UK DVD releases are uncut. ........

Source: Wikipedia