The Story of Alexander Graham Bell

The Story of Alexander Graham Bell is a somewhat fictionalized 1939 biographical film of the famous inventor. It was filmed in blackandwhite and released by Twentieth CenturyFox. The film stars Don Ameche as Bell and Loretta Young as Mabel, his wife, who contracted scarlet fever at an early age and became deaf.

Henry Fonda is notable in a supporting role as the Mr. Watson who hears the first words ever spoken over the telephone. In a pivotal scene, Bell Don Ameche, while working on the telephone, accidentally spills acid onto his lap and shouts in pain, Mr. Watson, come here I want you. Watson, barely able to contain his own excitement, rushes into the room and stammers out the news that he heard Bell calling out to him over the telephone receiver. Bell has Watson repeat his own words to him to confirm it, and the two men begin hopping around the room, with Watson yelling out a war whoop.The last part depicts the legal struggle against Western Union over patent priority in the invention of the telephone, ending with a courtroom victory. The final scene has the hero contemplating manned flight, under his wifes adoring gaze. ........

Source: Wikipedia