The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It

The Strange Case of the End of Civilisation as We Know It is a 1977 comedy starring John Cleese. It is a lowbudget spoof of the Sherlock Holmes detective series, as well as the mystery genre in general.

Headed by an incompetent Englishman Denholm Elliott, the committee settles on contacting the presentday Sherlock Holmes John Cleese. He is enrolled by the Commissioner of Police Stratford Johns to lay plans for the capture of the descendant of Moriarty before he gains control of the world. Holmes reveals himself to be a great eccentric, with an affinity for certain addictive drugs a nod to the literary Sherlock Holmes experience with cocaine. He is accompanied by the descendant of Doctor Watson Arthur Lowe, both a medical doctor and utter fool. Unfortunately, the commissioner is murdered before leaving the Holmes residence, his death mainly the result of Watsons rampant stupidity.The duo then proceed to Scotland Yard to discuss the situation with the committee. Before any plans can be made, much of the committee is murdered by a distant sniper. Without their help, Holmes dreams up a plan to invite all of the great detectives in the world to a party, with the hope of discovering the true identity of Moriarty. He reasons that Moriarty will be unable to pass up a chance at attacking all of them in one fell swoop. Many fictional detectives are parodied and handed gruesome deaths while Holmes and Watson wait in a suite. The murderer is revealed to be none other than an exact copy of Watson. Due to Watsons ineptitude and the impersonators great skill in deception, Holmes is faced with a quandary in determining the real culprit who is actually Moriarty. ........

Source: Wikipedia