The Suckling

Frank Rivera Allen Lieb Bobby Shapiro Caesar Monroy Antoinette Greene Brian Muirhill Jeff Burchfield Hector Collazo Michael Gingold Ella Aralovich

The film relates the tale of a teenage couple seeking an abortion at a Brooklyn brothel. Following the operation, toxic waste transforms the discarded foetus into a mutant beast, complete with prehensile umbilical cord and hooked talons for hands. Hunting the customers and employees of the house of ill repute, the mutant envelops the house in an enormous placenta and slaughters the inhabitants one by one.As stated in the copy of one release of this film, THE SUCKLING has been compared to Alien for its claustrophobic intensity and Die Hard for its nonstop action. Given the films low budget and technical flaws, discerning filmgoers may disagree. ........

Source: Wikipedia