The Three Stooges, also known as The Three Stooges The Movie, is a 2012 American slapstick comedy film based on the film shorts of the mid20th century comedy trio of the same name. The movie was produced, written and directed by the Farrelly brothers and cowritten by Mike Cerrone, and stars Chris Diamantopoulos, Sean Hayes, and Will Sasso, recreating the eponymous characters played by Moe Howard, Larry Fine, and Curly Howard. The films story places the Stooges in a modern setting.
The film is composed of three acts, which are referred to as episodes a reference to how the original Three Stooges short films were packaged for television by Columbia Pictures.In 1977, the children at the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage are playing soccer with an old soda can in the front yard. But then, Sister MaryMengele Larry David, the meanest nun in the orphanage gets their attention by telling them to go inside and do their work. The kids sing Everybody is Special, but she tells the kids to stop and go to work. Later, Moe, Larry and Curly are dumped on the doorstep of the orphanage as babies. Ever since, the trio have wreaked havoc in the place, leaving the nuns who run it utterly terrified, especially Sister MaryMengele who has always hated the trio. Ten years later, in 1987, out of desperation, when a prospective couple comes to adopt, the exasperated nuns bring out the trio as being the only three available, eventually adding a fourth when another boy, Teddy, enters the picture. The couple, the Harters Stephen Collins and Carly Craig, decides to pick Moe, but when he requests Larry and Curly to join him, he is dropped back off at the orphanage, and they choose Teddy instead. ........
Source: Wikipedia