The Vicious Kind is a 2009 drama film directed and written by Lee Toland Krieger. The screenplay was originally set in a small town in Rhode Island, but the film was shot in Norfolk, CT, which also became the characters hometown. The film stars Adam Scott, Brittany Snow, Alex Frost and J.K. Simmons. The film premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, and opened in Los Angeles on December 11, 2009 at the Laemlle Sunset 5.
The film opens with Caleb Sinclaire sitting in a diner, forlorn and smoking a cigarette. He begins to cry, but composes himself when his younger brother, Peter approaches the table. Peter is an idealistic college student on Thanksgiving break and Caleb is begrudgingly giving him a ride home. At school, Peter has found a new girlfriend, Emma Gainsborough, and Caleb immediately grills him for details, beginning to show a misogynistic attitude. Emma and Peter met each other while Emma was on campus meeting some fraternity boys while Peter says shes a good girl and nothing happened, Caleb immediately perceives her as a whore. On the way to get Emma, Caleb reveals that he hasnt slept in a week.Caleb is immediately antagonistic to Emma. Caleb drops them off at his father, Donalds house, revealing to Emma that he and Donald do not get along and this will be the last time he will see them this weekend. Donald comes off as wellmeaning, if somewhat flirtatious. ........
Source: Wikipedia