The Visit (1964 film)

The Visit is a 1964 film coproduction from France, Italy, Germany, and the United States, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by Bernhard Wicki and produced by Darryl F. Zanuck and Julien Derode, with the films stars, Ingrid Bergman and Anthony Quinn, as coproducers.

Karla Claire in the play Zachanassian Ingrid Bergman, a fabulously wealthy woman, returns to a decaying village she had been forced to leave years earlier in disgrace. She had a child by Serge Miller Anthony Quinn, who denied paternity. Her purpose in this visit is to make a deal with the inhabitants in exchange for a vast sum of money, she wants Miller killed.At first reluctant, they eventually accept the arrangement and Miller is condemned to death. At the last moment, Karla stops the execution and tells the citizens that they will have to live with the guilt of what they might have done for the rest of their lives. ........

Source: Wikipedia