The Weight of Chains is a 2010 Canadian documentary film directed by Boris Malagurski. The film argues that the breakup of Yugoslavia was orchestrated by Western powers in furtherance of imperial ambitions, according to the filmmaker, it also presents stories of good people in evil times. It was released on December 17, 2010. Since 2012, the film has been distributed by Journeyman Pictures. The sequel, The Weight of Chains 2, was released on November 20, 2014.
The film uses recompiled archival footage extensively, which was provided at no cost by Radio Television Serbia.The film provides a background history of Yugoslavia, from the medieval Battle of Kosovo to the 1912 incorporation of Kosovo into the Kingdom of Serbia and then to the formation of Josip Broz Titos Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after World War II. It discusses the persecution of Kosovo Serbs after World War II, as well as alleged plans by Nationalists to create an ethnically pure Greater Albania. ........
Source: Wikipedia