The Giant Claw also known as The Mark of the Claw is a 1957 science fiction giant monster film about a giant bird that terrorizes the world. Produced by Sam Katzman and released by Columbia Pictures, The Giant Claw was directed by Fred F. Sears both Sears and Katzman were well known as lowbudget B film genre filmmakers. The film starred Jeff Morrow and Mara Corday.
According to Richard Harland Smith of Turner Classic Movies, the inspiration for the story may have been taken from media reports about scientific discoveries in the field of particle physics, dealing with matter and antimatter. Other influences included the Japanese film Rodan 1956, and the Samuel Hopkins Adams story Grandfather and a Winters Tale, about la Carcagne, the mythical birdlike banshee from FrenchCanadian folklore. The Hopkins story was published in The New Yorker in January 1951.A character in The Giant Claw mistakes the menacing bird for la Carcagne, said to be a monster resembling a giant woman with a wolfs head and batlike black wings and which, like the banshee, is a harbinger of death. ........
Source: Wikipedia