The Grandfather Spanish El abuelo is a 1998 Spanish drama film written, produced and directed by Jos Luis Garci. It stars Fernando FernnGmez, Cayetana Guilln Cuervo and Rafael Alonso. The film, an adaptation of the novel of the same title by Benito Prez Galds, tells the story of an aristocrats search to discover which of his two putative granddaughters resulted from an extramarital affair by his daughterinlaw.
His son died heartbroken after he discovered his wife was having an affair with a Parisian painter and he left a letter stating that one of the girls is an illegitimate child, not of his blood, and therefore not entitled to be his true heir or true successor to his name and country estate. To the Count of Albrit, it is a matter of honor to know which of the girls is his real granddaughter. To uncover the truth, he confronts his sons widow, Lucrecia.Lucrecia, now 32, is an Englishborn beauty with a scandalous reputation, who married the Counts son when she wasand was unfaithful to her husband during their marriage, having an affair with a Parisian painter. Confronting her, the Count of Albrit, who opposed the match, tells her she killed his son, who died of sadness, loneliness, and shame brought on by her infidelity. Lucrecia replies that life is complicated, as are the emotions between men and women. In any case, she vehemently refuses to discuss the matter of her daughters paternity. ........
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