The House on Skull Mountain

The House on Skull Mountain is a 1974 horror film directed by Ron Honthaner. After Pauline Christophe Mary J. Todd McKenzie, the sole heir for the mansion on Skull Mountain dies, four of her family members are called to hear her will. Upon arrival, each of the guests is stalked by a skeleton in a robe.

Two days later, Lorena, one of Paulines greatgrandchildren, is driving up the hill to Skull Mountain. Phillipe, another greatgrandchild, speeds by and nearly forces her off the road. As Phillipe continues on, a skull appears and disappears in front of his car, nearly causing him to crash off the cliff. Arriving at the house after the funeral, Lorena meets with the priest while Louette stands by the gravediggers readying to bury Pauline. Louette sees a raven drop a string of beads tied at the end with feathers, the voodoo symbol for death, onto the coffin in the ground. The beads start to bleed and then burst into flame, burning through the coffin and causing thick smoke to fill the air. Louette hurriedly tells the gravediggers to bury the coffin. When she fearfully tells Thomas what happened, he dismisses it as imagination.Lorena finds out that Pauline has died and entitled her as part of the will. Upon entering the house, Lorena sees Phillipe and confronts him about almost running her off the road, but when she realizes he is her cousin, she befriends him. While being taken to their rooms, Phillipe discovers Paulines old elevator, finding that it doesnt work. ........

Source: Wikipedia