The Legend of Billie Jean

The Legend of Billie Jean is a 1985 American drama film, directed by Matthew Robbins.

Billie Jean goes to the police with her friends Putter Yeardley Smith and Ophelia Martha Gehman. Detective Ringwald Peter Coyote is sympathetic, but urges them to wait the problem out. Binx attempts to retrieve his scooter and returns beaten, with his scooter severely damaged. Billie Jean, Binx, and Ophelia go to Mr. Pyatts shop to get the money 608.00 to repair the scooter. While initially appearing helpful and understanding, Mr. Pyatt then propositions Billie Jean with a Pay as you go, earn as you learn plan by which he will have sex with her. He then attempts to rape her.Meanwhile, Binx has discovered a gun in the empty store and attempts to taunt Mr. Pyatt with it. Mr. Pyatt tells him the gun is unloaded, but Binx accidentally fires it, wounding Mr Pyatt in the shoulder. The group races away from the shop and become fugitives. ........

Source: Wikipedia