The Return of Count Yorga

The Return of Count Yorga, originally titled Yorga Returns, is a 1971 American vampire horror film directed by Bob Kelljan and starring Robert Quarry. It is the sequel to the 1970 film Count Yorga, Vampire.

Cynthia Nelson Mariette Hartley, a teacher at the local orphanage, talks with a pastor while watching the sun set before getting ready for a fundraising costume party. Cynthia mentions the Santa Ana winds which the pastor states are an evil omen. Cynthias young brother, Tommy, wanders into the nearby cemetery where he faintly hears a voice ordering To rise it is time. Vampire brides rise from their graves and chase Tommy into the clutches of Count Yorga.Yorga, having been in the area while creating his undead harem and hiding them in the cemetery, has purchased a manor next to the orphanage. His intent is to prey on the children and staff there to satisfy his and his vampirebrides thirst for blood and presumably create an undeadarmy from the communitys women. In his human guise, he goes to the orphanage, and after feeding on Mitzi, a guest outside, enters the costume party and introduces himself to those present. He falls in love with Cynthia and, returning to his manor, sends his undead brides to her house, using mindcontrol to get Cynthias family into one room before the brides break in and attack them. Cynthias father and mother are killed after being drained of their blood, while Cynthias sister, Ellen, is fed upon and transformed into a new vampire bride to serve Yorga. Tommy, however, is untouched having fallen under Yorgas power, and blankly looks on as the carnage unfolds. Cynthia is subdued though not bitten and carried by the brides to Yorgas residence where she awakens with no memory of the attack. Yorga tells Cynthia that her family were in a car accident and she was left in his care during their recovery. Yorga tries to charm the young woman into willingly becoming his bride though he is warned by his livein witch that Cynthia will bring his end if he doesnt kill her or turn her into a vampire soon. ........

Source: Wikipedia