They Walk is the first featurelength film directed by Charles House II. The film follows five groups of survivors, each modeled after an era of zombie cinema, after a meteor shower brings the reanimation of the recently deceased. The film was independently produced and shot primarily in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Back at the party, a large group of friends drinks and ignores the meteor shower, and where their friends may have gone. In the morning, some of the partygoers have disbursed, and Johns roommate Dennis, and his girlfriend Lisa, become worried about them. They join the partygoers from the night before and discuss what to do to remain safe, having seem the aftermath of the zombie outbreak on the news and when driving through town. The group forms four separate plans and takes up arms, just before finding the reanimated John and Nicole in the front yard and dealing with them. One of the home owners, Mike, is killed in the fray just before the others leave.Stephen, the owner of the party home, having put an end to his roommate Mike after being fatally wounded and torn apart by the reanimated couple, begins to get drunk and regale himself with stories from his past. He arms himself with a revolver and spends time thinking about his roommate, the current situation, and his life prior to the epidemic. He remembers a high school love, Suzie, and how they stopped talking just before graduation. To his surprise, Suzie finds herself knocking at his door, her family having been killed. She has been bit, and Stephen must decide how to handle her, knowing that the bites are fatal and what will become of her. ........
Source: Wikipedia