They Stooge to Conga

They Stooge to Conga is the 67th short subject starring American slapstick comedy team the Three Stooges. The trio made a total of 190 shorts for Columbia Pictures between 1934 and 1959.

They Stooge to Conga has been consistently ranked as the most violent Stooge film of the Curly era. In its briefminutes, Moe manages to get a climbing spike thrust into his ear, scalp, and eye. Plus, he is lucky enough to be pulled through lath and plaster, with a wooden pillar landing on his neck this was not intentional, as the pillar was real wood. Curly gets his share of abuse, via electrocution, falling off a telephone pole, severe nose twisting and getting singed via an acetylene torch.Interestingly, though Columbia short subject headdirector Jules White was known for the usage of excessive violence in his films, They Stooge To Conga was directed by Del Lord. We had trouble pulling Moe all the way through the wall, White later recalled. Since Moe was a full grown man, we weakened the wall and the wood inside and then replastered the wall. ........

Source: Wikipedia