Time Runner

Time Runner also known as In Exile is a 1993 science fiction film starring Mark Hamill.

Meanwhile, two scientists discover Raynors escape pod and analyze its origins before operatives from the Intelligence and Security Command ISC take custody of the unit. The scientists analyze some of the units components and discover that it is from the future, having found that a certain Indiana electronics company named in the parts doesnt exist. Upon discovering what time period he is in, Raynor tries to escape the ISC agents, making contact with the scientists and explains his origins. They recover a flight recorder and destroy the escape pod. Having seen the data in the flight recorder, they decide to find Sen. John Neila, whos in the midst of a reelection campaign and warn him about the invasion. However, Raynor discovers that Neila and the ISC agents are the aliens themselves, having been planted years before as sleeper operatives one of the scientists, Karen Donaldson, is also revealed to be an alien, turning over the flight recorder to them. At that moment, Raynor sees visions of his pregnant mother being killed by an assassin. Noting that he was about to be born in a few hours time, Raynor scrambles to save his mother while Neila tasks Donaldson to ensure it never happens.Flashforwards into the future reveal that the aliens gain the advantage and attack a secret base in Capitol Hill, where the humans try to launch a nuclear strike while making their last stand. Neila, who is the Earths President by that time, asks the launch crew to allow him to negotiate with the aliens, but lulls one man into giving up his revolver, allowing Neila to kill the launch crew and ensure victory for the aliens. ........

Source: Wikipedia