To All a Goodnight is a 1980 American slasher film, directed by David Hess. It was written by Alex Rebar, produced by Sandy Cobe, Jay Rasumny, Alex Rebar, Sharyon Reis Cobe and Rick Whitfield and stars Jennifer Runyon and Forrest Swanson. It was released on January 30, 1980. It revolves around a group of sorority girls and their boyfriends being killed off during a Christmas party by a vengeful psychopath dressed as Santa Claus.
The film was released to home video in the United States by Media Home Entertainment in 1983. Scorpion Releasing, under license from current rights holder MGM, has released the film for the first time on DVD and Bluray on October 21, 2014. Special features include interviews and the original theatrical trailer.To All a Goodnight was poorly received by critics. AllMovies Eleanor Mannikka called it an undistinguished, clichd slasher film. ........
Source: Wikipedia