Tougher Than Leather is an American film released in 1988 and distributed by New Line Cinema. The film was directed by Rick Rubin and stars the hiphop group RunD.M.C. They created the movie to coincide with the release of their fourth studio album also titled Tougher Than Leather.
While the music usually garners a favorable response, critics generally panned the film. According to The Washington Post, the film is vile, vicious, despicable, stupid, sexist, racist and horrendously made. This review is typical as the film has been referred to more recently as poorly executed and exploitative fare. It was briefly available on VHS, but went out of print within two years due to poor sales and a rumored injunction by the Beastie Boys and Capitol Records, their new label. For this reason, it is almost certain that New Line will never release it on DVD. ........
Source: Wikipedia