Triumph Over Violence Russian Obyknovennyy fashizm, Common fascism is a 1965 Soviet film directed by Mikhail Romm. The film is also known as Echo of the Jackboot in the United Kingdom and Trumps Over Violence in the USA. It is mainly in the form of annotated excerpts of archival film in order to describe the rise and fall of fascism, and especially the example of Nazi Germany.
The documentary follows the style of Mikhail Romm wrought by the Soviet filmmaker Esfir Shub, a pioneer in the use and development of compilation film, which involves the creation of unpublished works mainly documentary from an assembly made by another preexisting film material.Esfir Shub, used for material for her pioneering documentary films, public newsreels aging to the days of Czar. The result of the compilation was The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty , Padenie dinastii Romanovykh, a film obtained only from the recycling of preexisting material, in which the filmmaker, shows the decline of the Czar and the message of the need for revolution. Following the footsteps of Shub, Mikhail Romm used material belonging to German archives, archives of postwar antifascist organizations, photo archives and military archives seized from the German military to make the documentary Triumph Over Violence. ........
Source: Wikipedia