Two Way Stretch

TwoWay Stretch, sometimes titled Nothing Barred, is a 1960 British comedy film, about a group of prisoners who plan to break out of jail, commit a robbery, and then break back into jail again, thus giving them the perfect alibi that they were behind bars when the robbery occurred. However, their plans are disrupted by the arrival of a strict new Chief Prison Officer.

Three prisoners nearing the end of their jail sentences Dodger Lane, Jelly Knight and Lennie the Dip, are visited by a vicar seeking to find employment for them. He is actually smoothtalking conman Soapy Stevens, who proposes s largescale diamond robbery. They will also have the ultimate alibi they will break out of prison, commit the robbery and then break back in.With the assistance of Dodgers girlfriend Ethel and Lennies mum, they smuggle themselves out in a prison van. The operation is almost foiled by the disciplinarian Sour Crout, the new Chief Prison Officer who is replacing the easygoing retiring Jenkins. ........

Source: Wikipedia