Ultimate Force is a 2005 action film written and directed by Mark Burson, starring kickboxingMMA superstar Mirko Filipovi as a tough war veteran. The film was released theatrically in Croatia and directly to video in the United States and most parts of the world.
The film received mixed reviews. Patrick Vuong, a Black Belt Magazine columnist said With its beautiful cinematography and CroCop driven action, Ultimate Force is Universal Soldier meets The Bourne Supremacy, he wrote. Dragan Antulov from the Index.hr, a Croatian daily tabloid, was less enthusiastic about the movie, citing its onedimensionality and having a low opinion about directing and special effects, comparing quality of the latter to futuristic TV shows made in former Yugoslavia during the 1980s.There were plans for the sequel of the film, titled Ultimate Force II S.I.N. Retribution, but the project was canceled before the production started. Mirko Filipovi was set to star as Axon Rey once again. ........
Source: Wikipedia