Up from the Depths

Up From the Depths is a 1979 horror film directed by Charles B. Griffith. The film, along with many monster movies of the 1970s and 1980s is very similar to Jaws 1975.

We had it written by one of the typists or secretaries in the office who didnt have any thoughts of becoming a writer. I think Roger did it to punish me, to send me out to The Philippines where I didnt know what I was getting into. I was making an action picture, but The Philippines people were all so depressed, and they had made this goofylooking fish with bug eyes. I told them that well make it a comedy, and their eyes lit up So I sent back a comedy on one plane, and I arrived on the next one. By the time I arrived, Roger had already cut 75 minutes out. As an editor would say, Thats a setup, thats a payoffI was hired by Cormans production company after the film was returned from the Philippines to add a few additional scenes to help salvage the film. This included shooting some Broll fake shark monster footage off Seal Beach, CA. I was in the camera boat just out of the shot with my stuntman scuba diver who had a dorsal fin strapped to his back that looked like a giant fin from the camera position on shore. My diver had just entered the water when suddenly there was a great thrashing in the water near the fake dorsal fin, and I heard on the walkietalkie from shore, Keep it up that thrashing and splashing it looks great Whooaa, a REAL sevenfoot Thresher shark had suddenly appeared near the boat and was raising havoc in a school of baitfish near us on the surface I decided not to tell my diver after he surfaced. Ted Boehler, 2nd unit cameraman. ........

Source: Wikipedia