Velvet Goldmine 1998 is a British drama film directed and cowritten by Todd Haynes set in Britain during the glam rock days of the early 1970s it tells the story of the fictional pop star Brian Slade. Sandy Powell received a BAFTA Award for Best Costume Design and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Costume Design. The film utilizes a nonlinear structure to interweave the vignettes of the various characters.
Part of the story involves Stuarts familys reaction to his sexuality, and how the gay and bisexual glam rock stars and music scene gave him the strength to come out. Rock shows, fashion, and rock journalism all play a role in showing the youth culture of 1970s Britain, as well as the gay culture of the time.Near the beginning of his career Slade is married to Mandy Toni Collette. But when he comes to the U.S. he seeks out the gay American rock star Curt Wild Ewan McGregor and they become involved in each others lives on a personal and creative level. ........
Source: Wikipedia