Venger is a branded film series directed by Marc Furmie. It is seen as a possible reinvention of the BMW film series The Hire. Production on the 15minute movie began in July 2010 when executive producer Jesse Press arranged a commercial deal with Sydney based MercedesBenz dealership G Brothers. Additional finance came from Petronas Lubricants International, the sponsor of the Mercedes GP Petronas Formula One Team. Filming tookdays at iconic locations across Sydney, majority of which were on the Northern Beaches peninsular. A 4minute teaser was presented to a crowd of 500 people on the final day of shooting at a celebration for the Australian Film Industry.
The movie was created as a branded content film for the G Brothers MercedesBenz dealership and Petronas Lubricants International by executive producers Jesse Press amp Marc Windon of The Filmmakers Factory and writerdirector Marc Furmie of FG Entertainment. The project was designed to merge strong storytelling and brand awareness with a concept that resonates with online audiences eventually becoming the first episode in a web series. The screenplay was written by Marc Furmie, Shiyan Zheng and Vincent Andriano. Influenced by the classic actionrevenge thrillers of the 70s such as Bullitt, Death Wish and Dirty Harry, Venger showcases several current model MercedesBenz in an edgy and stylish framework.Theplanned sequels will feature the AMG SLS Class, SL class, GLK class and many more of the best MercedesBenz cars in the world. ........
Source: Wikipedia