Raising Victor Vargas is a 2002 American comedydrama film directed by Peter Sollett, written by Sollett and Eva Vives. The film follows Victor, a Lower East Side teenager, as he deals with his eccentric family, including his strict grandmother, his bratty sister, and a younger brother who completely idolizes him. Along the way he tries to win the affections of Judy, who is very careful and calculating when it comes to how she deals with men. In a subplot, Judys friend Melonie is depicted in her own romantic adventure. The film was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival.
At the beginning of the film, Victor is found in the bedroom of Fat Donna, a girl that many in the neighborhood consider overweight. Word quickly spreads throughout the community amongst his friends, although Victor continuously denies it happened. As this is a huge threat to his reputation, he sets his sights on the beautiful girl of the neighborhood, Judy.Judy is a goodlooking young woman who is continuously hiton by men in her neighborhood, which makes her very careful in who she chooses in terms of her love life. When Victor comes on to her, she lies, telling him she has a boyfriend. When Victor finds out this isnt true, he enlists the help of Judys little brother Carlos, on the condition that Victor introduce him to Vicki, whom he has a crush on. Judy ultimately says yes to Victors advances, believing he will serve as a repellent toward the many men that hit on her. ........
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